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Helping to deliver food and clothing supplies to the homeless and those in need in the West Midlands

On Saturday 29th September, Sharon from Creative Hubb Ltd spent the evening with the team from CPC Civil Engineering Contractors | CPC Civils who volunteer for MCKS Feeding Program Birmingham. MCKS are a charity organisation, dedicated to tackling the social injustice that homelessness represents. Every week volunteer’s from the charity and CPC are out on the streets delivering donations of food, clothing, toiletries and sleeping bags to those in need.

The team at MCKS are always seeking donations of warm clothing and sleeping bags, especially coming into the colder months.

If you are a clothing manufacturer or supplier in a position to donate we would love to hear from you. Ideally we would be looking for donations of surplus (unbranded) uniform, outerwear or workwear garments, from underwear, socks and gloves to outer jackets and waterproofs. Please get in touch with us via email or for more information on the charity, please contact the team at MCKS on 07952 830714, or message them via their website MCKS Feeding Program Birmingham – Charity organisation

People can be forced into homelessness for a multitude of reasons. From social causes such as unemployment, poverty and lack of affordable accommodation to life events such as when a person leaves care, the military or prison with no home to go to. It can also be the result of relationship breakdowns, losing a job, mental or physical health issues, substance abuse or escaping violent or abusive relationships.

According to

The average age of death for people experiencing homelessness is 46 for men and 42 for women.

People sleeping on the street are almost 17 times more likely to have been victims of violence. More than one in three people sleeping rough have been deliberately hit or kicked or experienced some other form of violence whilst homeless.

Homeless people are over nine times more likely to take their own life than the general population.

Whatever the reason for a person becoming homeless there are various charities and support teams available to help reverse or in many cases prevent it.

According to Shelter: Almost 2.5 million renters are either behind or constantly struggling to pay their rent - an increase of 45% since April 2022

During these current difficult economic times where we are all feeling the pressures of financial strain, it is imperative that we support each other whether that being a notion to support UK manufacturers, shop locally, donate to food banks, volunteer our time or donate supplies to projects such as the MCKS Feeding Program Birmingham. Please get in touch if you feel you can offer any support.