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Reducing Textile Waste with Lightbox bags for Tony G Ltd
According to a 2020 study by LABFRESH, the UK is the fourth largest producer of textile waste in Europe, amounting to a whopping 206.456 tonnes of textile waste in a year. Each Briton throws away an average of 3.1kg of textile waste every year, of that 0.3kg are recycled, 0.4kg are reused, 0.8kg are incinerated and 1.7kg are disposed of in Landfills.
With this in mind we were approached by Warwickshire based company Tony G Ltd who are an award winning creative production house. They are in the process of transforming themselves into a business shifting towards a circular economic model who prioritise conscious production and the sustainable use of resources.
With a plan to repurpose some used commercial lightbox canvases they approached the Creative Hubb team and asked us to collaborate with them to produce a range of fashionable lightweight bags. The results are fantastic with the stylish graphics taking centre stage to create a modern bespoke collection of bags that are on-trend and work towards a circular economy. We have loved every minute of this project so far and can’t wait to see how the range develops. For more information please visit TonyG | Lightbox Bags